Monday, January 5, 2009

Moving Home

Since I moved to Utah a year and a half ago, I've only wanted to move back home. And now that I have that chance, it is with mixed feelings that I say goodbye to Utah. Don't get me wrong. I HATE Utah...the snow, the culture, the drivers (AGH!). But I finally got to a place where I like my ward, made some great friends, and actually felt comfortable. So, it is with a little sadness that I say goodbye to Utah. I'm moving home in about 2 weeks. YAY!

PS: I still need a job so if anyone in AZ knows of anything please let me know!!


Shan said...

Blast! (Although I knew you would... You Utah Hater you) That means we need to do something before you go! Lunch? Dinner? Movie? Let me know.

I'll miss you, Miss Erin.

Mama J said...

YAY for you! I HATE the snow too! Good luck on the job hunt, hopefully you'll find something your happy with!

Beckums said...

okay, so when are we planning a Macayos night?!?!

Tiff Hunt said...

Now I have to be a Utah hater by MYSELF! You worded that well! I too feel comfortable here. I too am finally at a place where I can be comfortable in Utah. I don't like that you are leaving. But, it's a good thing we are family! I heart you!

Genny said...

Glad to have you back!!!

I'm glad to hear from another AZ person who thinks Utah drivers are ATROCIOUS! Every time we go to Utah we cheat death and car accident every 5 minutes we're there!

Bryan and Katie said...

wellll i have no sadness about it. so take THAT utah. *raspberry*

Julia said...

We're going to miss you!!! But i'm sure we'll still get to visit Arizona on occasion!